
South Bay : Plaque Dedicated to Victims of Bombing

More than 75 people turned out at Torrance Fire Department headquarters Tuesday to dedicate a bronze plaque and plant three trees in memory of the children killed in the Oklahoma City bombing last April.

Bobbe Douglass, a city secretary who collected the money for the memorial, and two local firefighters who went to Oklahoma City after the disaster to assist in rescue efforts were on hand for the afternoon ceremony.

One adult and two sapling Redbuds, the Oklahoma state tree, were planted and a plaque was positioned at the base of the adult tree. It reads: “These trees will grow and remind us of the lives of the beautiful children of Oklahoma City.” Written beneath were the names of the 19 children who died in the blast.


Douglass, who spearheaded the drive for the memorial, collected about $600 from a dozen city departments and workers’ unions. The horror of “the whole tragedy,” she said, moved her to launch the project shortly after the explosion.
