
Domestic Violence

Re your editorial, “Epidemics of the Social Kind,” Nov. 8: For the past five years, I’ve been a political advocate fighting the home-front battles for world peace; and I have firsthand experience working in a battered women’s shelter. I agree that physicians need to be better informed on sexual assaults and family violence; but there is a lot more each one of us can do to make this country safer and violence-free.

Each one of us needs to take responsibility for the kind of TV programming that occurs on our tube. We need to let media executives know that we will not tolerate violence and sex of any kind. As individuals we need to become more educated about domestic violence (a phrase I don’t personally like--it should just be called violence). Parents should be aware of what activities their teen-agers are pursuing. Finally, each one of us has to take responsibility for all our actions in our daily lives. We must be examples for future generations so history will not continue the cycle of violence that exists today. Only we can change tomorrow.


Buena Park
