
THOUSAND OAKS : Meeting to Focus on Crime Symposium

Preparing for its second citywide Crime Symposium, Thousand Oaks leaders and residents will meet tonight to discuss topics, guests and a format for the event.

Beyond selecting a date--March 23--members of the Crime Prevention Task Force have not yet established the focus of the session. The first symposium, held in 1994, focused on general crime concerns and trends. Task force members are gathering public input on whether to continue that focus or to deal with more specific issues.

The group is anxious to have youth involvement in the session since many of the concerns expressed by Thousand Oaks residents are related to gang activity.


Tonight’s meeting is co-hosted by Councilwoman Elois Zeanah and Councilman Mike Markey. It begins at 6 p.m. at the Thousand Oaks Police Department, 2101 E. Olsen Road.

The public is encouraged to attend. For more information call 371-8378.
