
TUSTIN : School Supt. Leaving for Moreno Valley Job

Tustin Unified School District Supt. David Andrews has accepted the top job with Moreno Valley’s school district, officials said Wednesday.

Andrews, who has been Tustin superintendent since 1990, will leave Dec. 31.

“I’m looking forward to the new challenges and professional experience, but on the other hand I’ll miss people here,” Andrews said. “I’ve grown to like them very much, and I’m sorry that I can’t see the finish of some of the projects now underway.”

During his tenure, Andrews has been credited with improving relations between teachers and administrators, fostering partnership between the district and local businesses and sharpening the focus on technology in the classroom.


“I hate to see him go,” school board member Bud Henry said. “He’s done a lot of positive things in the 5 1/2 years he’s been with the district.”

Charles Ledbetter, president of the Moreno Valley school board, said Andrews was the top candidate to lead the 31,000-student district. The Tustin district has about 13,500 students.

In addition, Ledbetter said, Andrews is skilled at handling changes in ethnic demographics. “He’s a person who will be concerned with the minority populations of our community,” Ledbetter said. “That’s one of the main reasons I chose him.”


Andrews, whose annual salary in Tustin was $105,000, will earn $110,000 in his new position, officials said.
