
South Bay : Eastview Students Denied Open Transfers

Eastview residents are furious about the Los Angeles Unified School District’s recent decision to deny residents a choice between schools in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District and the Los Angeles district.

In a closed-door session Monday, the school board voted 5-0, with two abstentions, to deny the Rancho Palos Verdes neighborhood’s request to allow open transfers from Los Angeles to Rancho Palos Verdes schools, according to general school board attorney Rich Mason. The board believed that approving the measure might encourage segregation, Mason said.

April Sandell, a spokeswoman for residents fighting to allow Eastview children to attend peninsula schools, said she will take the request to the county Committee on School District Organization for evaluation. Sandell said she and her neighbors have been trying to gain access to schools in the peninsula district for six years. Eastview is the only area in the city of Rancho Palos Verdes that is not part of the Peninsula’s school district.


“Eastview is not considered part of the Rancho Palos Verdes community because our children don’t attend the schools,” Sandell said.

Eastview is an eastern Rancho Palos Verdes neighborhood that was annexed by the city in 1983. It was previously unincorporated.
