
OXNARD : Takasugi Will Tour 4 Elementary Schools

Assemblyman Nao Takasugi will tour four elementary schools in Oxnard on Monday in an effort to meet students and learn about school-related issues.

Takasugi is scheduled to spend the day visiting Driffill, Frank Intermediate, Cesar Chavez and Rose Avenue schools. He is scheduled to talk to principals, teachers and to visit classrooms where he will answer students’ questions.

Although the visit is going to be an informal event, Oxnard School District Supt. Bernard Korenstein said his goal is to let Takasugi see how the schools operate.


“He will be voting on important issues related to education, and it’s important that he knows first-hand what is going on in our schools,” Korenstein said.

One of the issues Korenstein hopes to discuss with Takasugi, he said, is to make him aware that if the number of students continues to grow as it has, the district will need more schools.
