
Pay Overdue Rent to Clear Credit Rating

As a manager of apartments for many years, I disagree with the “Rent Watch” answer headlined “Tenant Must Be Honest and Upfront About Credit Flaws” (Nov. 19). If the professional woman who earns a good salary was evicted from an apartment when she was out of work--it was for lack of paying rent.

A tenant unable to pay rent, for whatever reason, should immediately contact the manager or owner of the property and explain the situation. If the tenant has a good record--the manager / owner may find some way of deferring the rent due.

However, to remain in an apartment after receiving a Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit without doing either and then waiting for the manager / owner to go through all the necessary legal steps and expenses leading to eviction, and living rent-free for months will not be forgiven or forgotten, and no amount of talking or writing by anyone will change the mind of a manager / owner.


The only step to repair one’s bad credit rating is to confront the person from whom one stole (let’s call the baby by the real name) and make restitution, i.e., pay the rent money owed, including legal expenses and interest if asked. With that receipt of debt paid--one can approach Small Claims Court and the credit reporting services to clear one’s credit.

Nothing short of paying back what one owes can clear one’s credit rating. No one is expected to keep records forever, but the deadbeats’ records are--at least in my files.

