
MISSION VIEJO : Multimedia Addition Proposed for Library

In one of his final actions before giving up the mayor’s gavel this week, Councilman Joseph D. Lowe proposed that the city consider adding a multimedia wing to the new library it is planning.

The wing would be operated by Creative Learning Plaza, a privately owned San Diego company that would work in partnership with the city to provide computer-generated learning resources.

The City Council agreed to begin negotiations with the company on costs and the size of the facility. Initially, officials decided, they will consider a complex that could accommodate 150 people.


Creative Learning Plaza uses computers, video and sound to teach technological skills to children and adults.

During an extended presentation that included a video made by a Mission Viejo cable crew at Creative Learning Plaza’s Rancho Bernardo facility, Lowe also said that the project would produce revenue for the city.

A portion of the center could be set aside for telecommuting and classes where corporate employees could learn about the latest computer technology, he said.


The rest of the council was cautious.

The proposal is “certainly exciting,” Councilman William S. Craycraft said, but emphasized that the council is agreeing only to further discussion, not committing to the plan yet.
