
Calabasas : Students Give Aid to Homeless in Venice

Students from Viewpoint School in Calabasas helped spread holiday cheer this week among the homeless in Venice.

Eleven students from the private school distributed food, warm clothing and blankets Monday to needy people along the Venice Boardwalk and in a park.

“It makes me feel really lucky, to see how little these people have,” said Alexis Warren, a high school junior who helped organize the effort.


The students handed out 200 bag lunches, along with gift-wrapped caps, gloves, blankets and sweaters, Alexis said. Twenty-six students gathered Friday to wrap the gifts during their school lunch hour, she said.

Alexis belongs to Community Outreach for Everyone, a student organization that supports various charitable causes. Fellow students Echo Aoki and Linda Klausner, both juniors, helped coordinate the Venice activity.

Last summer, the organization arranged a basketball game between the Sheriff’s Department and students as a benefit for victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.
