
LAPD Crime/Arrest Statistics

I am writing to take issue with “Series of Statistical Snafus Raise Doubts About LAPD” (July 24). I would like to address the issue of Police Department crime/arrest statistics, since they are the responsibility of my command. All crime and arrest information is entered into the department’s computer systems. Reports are generated from that data. The data are consistent and accurate and are the “official” department statistics.

Annual crime and arrest statistics are contained in the department’s Statistical Digest, which is published annually and represents an accurate presentation of the data contained in the department’s computer file.

Your article contained an inset titled “How Many Arrests?” that contended that the department’s numbers vary from report to report. Had your staff writer asked, we could have provided a simple explanation for the differences in the statistics. Both sets of numbers were taken from the Statistical Digest. The report to the mayor and Police Commission represents LAPD-only arrests. The report to the Police Commission’s special counsel represents LAPD-only arrests plus arrests made by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and other agencies that are booked in LAPD systems.



Director of Systems

Commanding Officer

Information Resources Division

