
Character Allows Compromise

Susan Carpenter McMillan is a television commentator and spokesperson for the Woman's Coalition

Conservative talking heads on television, so-called Republican spokespersons and my fellow pro-lifers seem all to be practicing verbal cannibalism on Bob Dole. The Democrats can now spend more money on congressional races since Republicans will help reelect their man.

While Democrats have learned the value of practicing “safe politics,” Republicans are displaying a pubescent form of political self-destruction. Prime example: With few exceptions, gay activists go into a mute mode whenever Bill Clinton waffles on their issues. They ignore his broken promises and countless pledges because they believe that once Clinton is reelected, he will help promote their agenda of same-sex marriages and an open military. Pro-lifers, on the other hand, threaten to abandon Dole simply because he has brilliantly enlisted the support of pro-choicers while not compromising his own beliefs. Not only does Dole have a flawless pro-life record, but Elizabeth Dole would become the first first lady who is unequivocally opposed to abortion since its legalization in 1973.

Questioning Dole’s credentials by misinterpreting compromise that allows moderates to feel welcome only demonstrates the failure to understand that standards are not being lowered but those with lower standards are being elevated. If pro-choice Congresswoman Susan Molinari can do for Bob Dole what pro-choice Sen. Arlen Specter did for Justice Clarence Thomas, then Dole should be commended, not chastised. If lowering taxes, elevating morality and restoring dignity to our country is not appealing to pro-lifers, they can help reelect Clinton either by not voting or by voting for Ross Perot. But for this pro-life Republican, character counts.
