
Root, Root, Root for the Home Team

What would be so wrong with The Times supporting our local college football teams? Any article by Chris Dufresne would make a perfect example. From his “in your face, USC” preseason article about his invincible Nebraska, to his “easy picks” reference to Notre Dame’s away schedule of “Navy . . . Boston College . . . USC (ouch)” snipe, one has to wonder what Dufresne’s problem is. Maybe he’s just a wimp trying to suck up to his Irish boss at The Times’ sports section.


Los Angeles


Is the L.A. Times so insecure that they are afraid that a few positive articles each day on UCLA and USC will expose them as just a local paper? It’s surprising that the Metro section doesn’t just cover New York--or any other city not around here. No other paper in the country is afraid to support its local team, but then no other paper is such a New York Times wannabe.


Huntington Beach
