
Commission Will Hear Annexation Request

An Orange County agency is expected to take final action in the next few months on the city’s effort to annex five acres from neighboring Orange.

Villa Park City Manager Fred Maley told the City Council this week that the Local Agency Formation Commission will hear Villa Park’s annexation request in either January or February.

The city wants to add about five undeveloped acres that are now within the city limits of Orange. Orange has agreed to the transfer.


The acreage runs along Mesa Drive and Cerro Villa Drive. Recent realignment of those streets necessitated a change in the Orange-Villa Park borders. Villa Park would be giving up some land along those streets, while proposing to take in other land that now is in Orange. The final result would be that Villa Park gains five acres.

The City Council this week unanimously gave first reading to ordinances that prepare the way for annexation. One ordinance gives E-4, or “small estate,” zoning to the five acres.
