
The Drive Is On to Save the ‘Whale’


Marine-minded drivers have less than a week to help launch a proposed California license plate intended to raise money to protect the state’s coastline.

The “Whale Tail” license plate designed by Laguna Beach artist Wyland will not be issued by the state unless 5,000 plates are sold by Dec. 31. That means 1,500 plates must be sold in the next seven days, or the plate will be canceled.

As the deadline approaches, telephone orders are picking up, say staff members at the California Coastal Commission, the plate’s sponsor.


Many people have been buying plates as Christmas presents, said commission spokeswoman Judi Shils, who reports that hundreds of orders were received Tuesday alone.

“We’re just rallying Californians to support where they live,” Shils said.

A package of last-minute incentives has heightened interest in the plate, commission officials said.

The American Plastics Council and Universal Studios have agreed to underwrite half the $50 cost of a regular “Whale Tail” plate, meaning that those ordering a plate will pay $25. The price of a personalized plate has been reduced from $90 to $65.


The annual renewal rates of $40 for a regular plate and $65 for a personalized plate will remain unchanged.

In lieu of the discount, people who buy plates can choose prizes that include a free whale-watching trip in San Diego, Long Beach, Santa Barbara or Monterey; a two-for-one pass to Sea World; a free lift ticket to Mammoth Mountain Ski area; or two children’s tickets to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Money raised by the “Whale Tail” plate would help fund Adopt-a-Beach programs, the state’s Coastal Cleanup Day and Kids’ Earth Day Cleanup, as well as youth marine education, wetlands restoration and coastal access and trail projects.


Plates can be ordered by phoning: (800) 262-7848.
