
3 Men Plead Not Guilty to Drug Counts

Three Costa Mesa men arrested last week with more than 20 pounds of narcotics valued at $250,000 pleaded not guilty Monday in Municipal Court to felony drug charges.

The three men--Brigido Rodriguez, 54; Victor Perez, 21; and Navijio Ramirez, 36--are being held in the Orange County Jail, each on $250,000 bail, on charges of possession of narcotics for sale, according to Lt. Ron Smith of the Costa Mesa Police Department.

Police raided the suspects’ residence in the 700 block of West 18th Street in Costa Mesa on Friday and seized about an ounce of cocaine, two pounds of heroin, three pounds of methamphetamine, 15 pounds of marijuana and $31,000 in cash, money orders and food stamps, Smith said.


The raid was the result of a joint six-month investigation by the Police Department and agents of the state Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, Smith said.
