
Next LAUSD Superintendent

* Re “L.A. Schools Need a Leader Driven by Spirit of Reform,” editorial, March 2:

UTLA takes exception with the implication that unions should give the new Los Angeles Unified School District superintendent their cooperation. Cooperation is earned by cooperation; it’s a two-way street.

In the LAUSD, UTLA in particular has pushed for, and the other unions generally have supported, major educational reforms such as site-based decision making; school-based management; LEARN, charter, alternative and magnet schools; high school career academies; more rigorous academic standards; greater accountability; intervention in failing schools; reduction in class size; increased school safety; improved teacher training; paraprofessional career ladders into teaching; health benefit cost controls; incentives for reducing employee absenteeism; addressing the issue of social promotion; and, yes, targeting full literacy and mathematical competence by grade three.

It is just as essential that the new superintendent have an authentic will to cooperate with employee unions as it is for unions to cooperate with the new superintendent.


DAY HIGUCHI, President

United Teachers Los Angeles
