
Plan Official to Take Seat on LAFCO

City Planning Commissioner Susan Wilson has been appointed to the board of directors of the Local Agency Formation Commission, which oversees annexafitions and incorporation in Orange County.

Wilson will be the third South County resident on the LAFCO board. As a condition of her appointment, effective April 2, she has resigned from the Mission Viejo Planning Commission, where she had served since 1991.

The City Council accepted her resignation from the commission this week.

LAFCO is now dealing with several boundary issues. One of the most controversial is deciding how the many foothill communities, such as Portola Hills and Rancho Santa Margarita, should be incorporated.


The commission is also considering a proposal to consolidate water and sanitation districts in South County and whether to annex unincorporated “island” communities across the county.

Wilson will be one of four alternates on the commission’s 11-member board of directors. Bressette, a Laguna Hills City Council member, and Lake Forest Councilman Peter Herzog are voting members on the LAFCO board.
