
Circus Seeks Show Permit; City Seeks Assurances

As Cirque du Soleil is about to furl its Orange County big top, Circus Vargas may be taking its place in the center ring of controversy.

Circus Vargas has filed for a city event permit, asking to hold its show in the city beginning April 28. Even before the circus had filed for the permit, more than a dozen animal-rights activists had urged city officials to deny it access to Garden Grove.

The circus recently was dissuaded from applying for a permit by the Orange County Fairgrounds’ management after concerns about space restrictions and animal welfare arose. The fairgrounds controversy over noise from Cirque du Soleil also contributed, a fairgrounds spokesman said.


Representatives of Irvine-based Orange County People for Animals approached Garden Grove officials during a recent City Council meeting, claiming that animals used in Circus Vargas shows were sick and mistreated. Although the circus hadn’t yet sought its permit, activists cited reports of active tuberculosis and other disease among the show’s animals.

Deputy City Manager Cathy Standiford said the city has sought vaccination records and an independent veterinarian’s clearance before issuing the $50 permit.

“We are processing [the permit] as we would normally process a community event, except we have asked them to give us recent evidence of TB or other vaccinations for elephants and other exotic animals,” Standiford said. “Plus, we want certification from an independent veterinarian that the animals are in good health.”


Circus Vargas has asked to use a vacant lot in the Kmart Shopping Center at the southwest corner of Euclid Street and Katella Avenue the week of April 28 through May 4.

Mayor Bruce Broadwater has added a discussion of the Circus Vargas request to the City Council’s agenda for next Monday.
