
Alaska--John Harvill, Perris, Calif.: “Frank & Gloria’s...

Alaska--John Harvill, Perris, Calif.: “Frank & Gloria’s Place, 109 Sand Dollar Drive, Sitka 99835; telephone (907) 747-8711, fax (907) 747-5149. Charming, private unit in Gloria and Frank Scigliano’s home overlooking the ocean. Sitka has pristine air and great fishing.” Rate: $81.75

Austria--Jan Kessler, Manhattan Beach: Hotel Ossiacher See, Stiegl, Seeblickweg 17, 9552 Steindorf; tel. 011-43-4243-2484, fax 011-43-4243-2484-50. Two hours north of Venice, Italy. Breathtaking view of Ossiacher See (lake). Home-cooked food.” Rates: from about $90 per room, with breakfast and dinner for two.

Italy--Leslie Dornfeld, Los Angeles: “Carasco Hotel, 98055 Lipari, Aeolian Isles, Sicily; tel. 011-39-90-981-1605, fax 011-39-90-981-1828. In the Lipari Islands, off the beaten path. Wonderful food and service, beautiful pool.” Rates: from about $77.50 per person, with breakfast.


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