
Film Series to Discuss Conspiracy Issues

“History Is Not a Conspiracy,” a film series sponsored by Irvine Valley College, is intended to fuel the debate about the South Orange County Community College District’s board president.

Steven J. Frogue, who is the object of a recall effort, recently came under attack after casting a tie-breaking vote in favor of a course he planned to teach emphasizing that a conspiracy was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The course included funds for four speakers, one who contended the Holocaust is exaggerated and that agents for the Israeli government killed Kennedy. The course was canceled under public pressure.


“We found ourselves in a place we have not been before in the district--the butt of national ridicule,” said Lisa Alvarez, associate professor of English.

The series begins Wednesday in the Physical Sciences Building, B209, 5500 Irvine Center Drive. The first presentation is the 1974 Academy Award-winning documentary on the Vietnam War, “Hearts and Minds.” The series runs every other week through Dec. 10.

Information: (714) 451-5376.
