
Schools to Update Discipline Handbook

Policies regarding students caught bringing weapons to school and committing sexual assault need to be updated, according to a recommendation that will be brought to the Conejo Valley Unified School District board meeting tonight.

Board members vote routinely on the district’s discipline handbook, bringing it up to speed with new legislation, said Richard Simpson, assistant superintendent of instructional services.

Changes to the handbook this year include two topical issues, he said.

Starting this year, bringing an imitation firearm to school can be punishable by expulsion, Simpson said.


Also, legislation requires that the terms “sexual assault” and “sexual battery” be added to the handbook. Both have become punishable by expulsion and mandatory notification to law enforcement.

“Statewide, they wanted to give schools the authority to deal with [these issues],” Simpson said.

Prohibitions against intimidating witnesses, brandishing a knife and possessing a firearm are other new items that should be added to the handbook to keep it consistent with Education Code Title 5, Simpson said.


Last year, 29 Conejo Valley students were expelled, including 14 who brought knives to school, five who possessed drugs, one who scared others with a bomb threat and one accused of sexual harassment, Simpson said.
