
Warner Taps McDonald’s Exec to Direct Marketing

Warner Bros. followed through on expectations and formally named McDonald’s executive Brad A. Ball on Tuesday as its new head of marketing, filling a slot vacant since December.

Ball, whose appointment takes effect in mid-May, will report to studio co-heads Bob Daly and Terry Semel, as well as to Sandy Reisenbach, the studio’s executive vice president of marketing and planning. Reisenbach will continue to handle marketing in the interim.

Ball succeeds Chris Pula, who was fired in December. Warner in 1997 had one of its worst years theatrically, marked by such box-office duds as “Mad City,” “The Postman” and “Fathers Day.”


Ball’s title will be president, Warner Bros. domestic theatrical marketing. He most recently was McDonald’s senior vice president, marketing USA. He joined the fast-food company in 1995 from Davis, Ball & Colombato, a Los Angeles ad agency, where he was a partner.

Ball is the second top fast-food executive in the last two years to be hired to head a studio movie marketing unit. In 1996, Walt Disney Co. hired John Cywinski from Burger King to oversee its film marketing.
