
Petrikin Foes Begin Recall Campaign

Opponents of City Councilman James D. Petrikin have launched a recall campaign against him, alleging that he is inaccessible and has failed as a public servant because he often misses council meetings and was recently convicted of drunk driving.

Campaign backers mailed a notice Friday to Petrikin announcing their intent to seek his removal from the council, said Bob Hoxsie, one of the recall leaders.

Petrikin has seven days from the day he receives the letter to respond, if he chooses to do so. After that, the recall group must collect 6,000 signatures from registered voters by May 1 to put the matter on the November ballot.


Petrikin, who has been troubled by health problems, could not be reached for comment late Tuesday but has vowed to improve his attendance at council meetings. He has publicly apologized for any embarrassment his conviction has caused the city.
