
Allegations of Mercy Killing

Re “Hospital Worker Says He Killed Up to 50,” March 28:

Being a respiratory therapist myself, I am vehemently appalled that a respiratory therapist would [allegedly] do such a terrible thing. I also feel as though the good reputation and trust of all respiratory therapists have been negatively affected by this. Personally, I have never, nor will I ever, contemplate mercy-killing a patient.

Since my early years of practicing respiratory care almost two decades ago, it has been evident to me that end-of-life health care practice is in dire need of improvement. This situation has affected me so strongly that I was compelled to spend three years writing my book, “Life Support: A Family Clinical Guide.” I am also the Webmaster for an Internet Web site intended to help educate people about palliative care medicine and the problems in terminal health care practice. The Website is called ASAP Care, which stands for American Society for the Advancement of Palliative Care.

Atrocious incidents like this would never occur if formal inpatient palliative care services were available to dying patients and their family members.





I am in my mid-80s and if I’m unlucky I could end up in a hospital in a situation similar to that of the patients allegedly killed at the Glendale hospital. If I do I would hope to have a respiratory therapist as kind as Efren Saldivar.


Los Angeles
