

“At first he thought it was an April Fool’s joke. The president is pleased to receive the vindication he has been waiting a long time for.”

--Spokesman Mike McCurry


“I think it is clearly the right decision and Judge Wright should be complimented on her courage to make the right decision notwithstanding all of the political atmosphere surrounding the case.”

--Robert Bennett, Clinton’s lead attorney


“We will appeal this decision to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals immediately.”

--Statement by the Rutherford Institute, which has financed Jones’ lawsuit


“Obviously we are shocked. The term disappointment has a new meaning in my life.”

--Susan Carpenter-McMillan, a spokeswoman for Jones.


“This ruling will confirm what many Americans were already thinking: that these charges involved prying into Clinton’s private life where there was no cause to look.”


--Karlyn Bowman, an expert on public opinion at the conservative American Enterprise Institute in Washington


“It’s been a long four years, and I’m glad to get it behind me . . . I’m tickled to death.”

--Danny Ferguson, Arkansas state trooper named as a co-defendant in suit


“Judge Wright’s ruling today has no effect on our authority, and we will continue working to complete the investigation as expeditiously as possible.”


--Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.


“I assume that since this appears to be good news for Clinton, his poll numbers will go down.”

--Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss.
