
Feinstein on Guns

Re “Feinstein’s Aim Is True,” editorial, April 1:

In all the televised and written news reports that we were exposed to following the tragic incident in Jonesboro, Ark., not one showed anyone from that town calling for stricter laws on firearms. Maybe that’s because, unlike The Times and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, people take responsibility for their own actions and do not place blame on inanimate objects.

How dare The Times and Feinstein capitalize on this tragic event by furthering their elitist views for stricter gun controls, which only serve to violate the 2nd Amendment and punish law-abiding citizens for the acts of criminals?




Imagine a bunch of gang fathers taking their little thugs into the woods and showing them how to shoot their semiautomatic high-capacity weapons with deadly accuracy. The thought is outrageous. Replace this scenario with one in which rural fathers dress their little patriots in camouflage and show them how to shoot their semiautomatic high-capacity weapons with deadly accuracy. The aim of both groups would be the same. Kill your target.


As much as I hate killing anything, I agree that we will not disarm either the gangbangers or the bubbas of the NRA in my lifetime, but we can at least limit their fire capability. Feinstein has more guts than most men in politics.


West Hills
