
Pint-Sized Punch Lines

* What would George Washington be doing if he were alive right now? Scratching at his coffin. (Malia Anderson, 9, La Crescenta, Mountain Avenue Elementary)

* What has spots and rides on a fire truck? A fireman who has the measles. (Alicia Fierro, 7, Newbury Park, Banyan Elementary)

* What did the parrot say to Lassie? Does collie want a cracker? (Cesar Barba, 9, Torrance, Halldale Avenue Elementary)


* Why did the cat go to prison? Because it committed purrrjury. (Alexandra Greenberg, 7, San Diego, Ecole Francaise)

* When is a king not a king? When he’s a ruler. (Amanda Maitino, 6, Saugus, James Foster Elementary)

* What tree grows fingers? A palm. (Sarah Martinez, 12, Adelanto, Sheppard Middle School)

* SEND US A LINE: Kids, got a joke? Send it to Pint-Sized Punch Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Include your full name, age, hometown and school.
