
Minimal Effort Goes a Long Way

What’s the best way to display quality, whether it’s fine art or something less highbrow, such as stylish clothes?

Supporters of the Orange County Museum of Art could have answered that question by looking around at a recent fund-raiser: Everything looks better in a minimalist setting.

That was the consensus during the get-together at the elegantly stark Jil Sanders Boutique, which just opened at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa.


“Jil Sanders invited the museum to be a beneficiary of their opening,” says OCMA’s director, Naomi Vine. “The party was lots of fun, especially in that lovely setting. Many of the museum’s supporters were there along with many new friends.”

The partnership will continue later this year when the men and women’s high-fashion store plans to sponsor “Hollywood and Beyond,” an exhibit of George Hurrell’s celebrity photographs, at OCMA’s South Coast Plaza Gallery (June 27-Sept. 27).

“We as a museum are always happy to have a relationship with a business such as Jil Sanders,” Vine says.


For museum information, call (714) 759-1122.
