
Grant Boosts Bike, Mounted Patrols

Anxious to keep mounted officers and bicycle cops riding longer, Sheriff’s Department officials in Camarillo have secured a second year of funding from the U.S. Department of Justice to help cover costs.

The Camarillo City Council unanimously decided Wednesday to approve the contribution of $3,340 in order to receive the $30,061 federal block grant.

About $11,300 will be used to fund overtime patrols by bicycle and mounted units and $11,000 will be spent for an alarm system that will reduce response time to commercial burglars. Cmdr. Craig Husband said the alarm also would be used in certain residential areas that were experiencing burglary problems.


The department also will begin distribution “trading cards,” featuring photos of Camarillo deputies, to children as part of an outreach program. The card project will cost about $5,000.

“This will allow us to focus on the youth of our community, whereas our other community-policing programs focus on adults,” Husband said.

Additionally, $3,500 will be used to provide rain gear for the bicycle patrol and citizens patrol. The remaining money will be used for a cellular phone, camera and computer printers.
