
Firefighter Injured in Fall Through Roof of Burning House

A firefighter fell through the roof of a burning house Thursday morning, suffering head injuries and burns. He was hospitalized in serious condition, authorities said.

David J. Perez of Station 72 in Canoga Park was ventilating the roof of a two-story house in the 6700 block of North Royer Avenue when he fell about 15 feet, said Jim Wells, a Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman.

Perez received a broken jaw, head injuries and second-degree burns to two fingers on his right hand. He was able to walk out of the burning home with the assistance of other firefighters, Wells said.


Perez was taken to Columbia West Hills Hospital where he was listed in serious but stable condition, Wells said.

The fire started in the garage of the house about 5:30 a.m. and spread to the home’s attic. Perez was ventilating the roof to release the fire’s hot gases so other firefighters could battle the blaze from inside, Wells said. Fire officials estimated the damage to the house’s contents and structure to be about $90,000.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.
