
Police Escorts Sought at Family Planning Clinic

The San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the National Organization for Women is requesting police escorts for workers and patients at a family planning clinic where anti-abortion activists demonstrate.

Local NOW President Darby Mangen said people entering the clinic in the 11000 block of the Valley Mall may be in a position of “unprotected jeopardy” from protesters. In a letter to Police Chief Wayne Clayton, she described the clinic as an “easy target” for those who may seek to commit terrorist acts.

“We are worried for the doctors walking in there,” she said.

Mangen said she wrote a letter demanding action last month but did not receive a response from Clayton. She sent a second letter to him Tuesday.


El Monte Police Capt. Chuck Fullington said he is surprised at the suggestion that the clinic is the site of major protests.

“As far I know we haven’t had any major activity there for some time,” he said. Fullington said protests have tended to take the form of prayer groups rather than confrontations.
