
Plastic Surgeon Won’t Face Criminal Charges in Patient’s Death

An investigation into the death of a 25-year-old Simi Valley woman after cosmetic surgery did not find Westlake Village physician Theodore Corwin criminally liable, Dist. Atty. Michael D. Bradbury announced Wednesday.

“We had a request to look into it and we did so at considerable length, concluding there was no criminal liability involved,” said Richard Holmes, supervisor of the district attorney’s major crimes unit. “Considering the consequences of the charge, it’s only right we announce this conclusion and not leave it hanging. It’s only fair.”

Holmes would not comment on the details of the investigation.

Tania Pfefferman died Feb. 28 after Corwin performed cosmetic surgery.

Her family’s attorney, Fred Bysshe, said a civil suit will be filed within 90 days.

“Our investigation indicates there is definite civil liability,” Bysshe said. He declined to say specifically what the surgery involved.


“We’re not surprised by the district attorney’s lack of criminal findings. That would denote an intentional act, as distinguished from the carelessness and negligence on the part of a professional we believe is the basis of civil liability.”

Corwin could not be reached for comment.
