
‘Acme Senseless’ Lives Down to Name

Maybe it’s the brain-dulling heat wave. Maybe it’s the brain-drain of talent as members leap onto the small screen and out of the brainstorming crew. Whatever the cause, “Acme Senseless” at the Acme Comedy Theatre will only amuse the overly genial or those kindhearted souls who can’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

There’s commentary on the obsessive dissecting of simple tasks, in “Bored Room”; sexual activity between friends and others, in “Motel Hell” and “Look Who’s Talking”; masturbation and dating, in “Doctor, Doctor”; and various slams at the elderly, in “Cable Is Dirty,” “And Now Mrs. Gronnimeyer” and “Eat a Pita.” But nothing here is really witty or well-timed. Puerile, yes.

The video epilogues of some of the skits, interspersed between other skits, might be effective if the original skits had some craft and substance. Here, they are only painful reminders of wasted money and time.


Since all eight ensemble members (Alex Alexander, Susie Geiser, Fred Goss, Carolyn Hennesy, Jeff Lewis, Audrey Rapoport, Todd Rohrbacher and Stefane Zamorano) wrote and act in these skits, the blame is shared. Perhaps director M.D. Sweeney is losing his touch, or perhaps he gives this troupe too loose a rein, refusing to act as editor and cruel critic.

Jonathan Green’s music is overly loud, but while it is professional and well-chosen as ever, it’s not enough to make the ticket price worthwhile.


* “Acme Senseless,” Acme Comedy Theatre, 135 N. La Brea Ave., Hollywood. Fridays-Saturdays, 8 p.m. Ends Nov. 28. $14. (213) 525-0202. Running time: 2 hours.
