
Moravians Elect First Woman Bishop

Associated Press

The Rev. Kay Ward, director of continuing education at Moravian Seminary, has become the first woman elected as bishop in the Moravian Church of America.

Ward, of Bethlehem, was one of three bishops chosen at the church’s Northern Province synod, which meets every four years. Nine bishops serve the province, which covers 14 states, the District of Columbia and two Canadian provinces. They have spiritual rather than administrative roles.

Ward’s election came 23 years after the church ordained its first woman pastor, the Rev. Mary Matz, also of Bethlehem. Today, one Moravian church in five is led by a woman.


The 280 delegates from 103 congregations voted on blank ballots. Ward received the necessary two-thirds majority on the third ballot.

Ward, 56, was ordained in 1979. She will remain director of continuing education at Moravian Seminary.
