
Police Sting Operation Wins State Group’s Award

The city has received the 1998 California Cities Helen Putman Award for Excellence for a sting operation orchestrated by its police department, officials announced Wednesday.

Redondo Beach was one of 23 cities to receive the award from the California League of Cities, said Clark Goeker, the league’s assistant director.

The award will be presented Oct. 4 at the league’s Centennial Annual Conference in Long Beach.


The Redondo Beach Police Department was elated at the news, said Capt. Jeff Cameron.”This is a big deal,” he said. “We are very proud.”

Dubbed Operation Bull Market, the 10-month operation led to the recovery of more than $4.3 million in stolen goods, ranging from luggage to a 1997 convertible Jaguar valued at $70,000, Cameron said. Of 87 suspects arrested, 87.5% had prior felony arrests and 41% were known gang members, he said.

The operation was paid for through a fund created by the city that requires people convicted of misdemeanors to reimburse law enforcement for the costs of their arrest and prosecution. The fund generates $12,000 monthly.
