
Salvation Army to Publish Journal

Religion News Service

The Salvation Army has announced plans to begin publishing a semiannual scholarly journal this fall to emphasize the religious dimensions of the organization.

The premiere issue of Word and Deed: A Journal of Salvation Army Theology and Ministry will include articles by prominent Salvationist theologians on such topics as “Biblical Foundations for the Doctrine of Holiness,” “Wesleyanism and Holiness Teaching” and “The Development of the Doctrine of Holiness in the Salvation Army.”

It will also include reviews of newly published books “germane to the Wesleyan tradition and those that build on traditional Christianity,” said Jeff McDonald, managing editor of the War Cry, the army’s official national publication.


Although it is academic in nature, church officials hope Word and Deed will “appeal to a broad range of readers with serious interest in the army’s theological heritage and mission.”

The publication is designed to “tie the army’s ministries to its theological foundations,” McDonald said, and “put the army within the traditional orthodox Christian church.”
