
Century Cable Rates

I’d like to add my voice to those of the other Century Cable subscribers in Ventura County whom I’ve talked with and read about.

I too was outraged when Century obeyed the letter of Ventura’s City Council directive to lower their basic rates but violated the spirit of that directive by increasing costs in other areas that more than make up for the cut.

My wife will attest that I literally cheered the council’s action as we watched the meeting on television.


I thought this would finally make Century realize that the customer matters and that their cable rates would start to be competitive with the other cable companies in the county.

But I felt betrayed when I received my next statement, which reduced the basic rate but increased the select service rate by an equal amount--plus a $5 increase for the a la carte Disney Channel.

I immediately called the Better Business Bureau and inquired about Century’s status.

To my astonishment, the person I talked with seemed puzzled that I expected Century to have any complaints.


I immediately lodged a complaint against Century Cable with the Better Business Bureau, P.O. Box 129, Santa Barbara CA 93102.

I encourage all subscribers who have a complaint (or a compliment, although I find the latter unlikely) to do the same.


