
Reassessing Technology for Time-Warp Space Travel

Roger K. Leir, a Thousand Oaks podiatrist, is state section director of the Ventura / Santa Barbara county chapter of the Mutual UFO Network

The speed of light has been calculated to be 186,000 miles per second. No one doubts the accuracy of this calculation; however, the use of this figure to calculate all other physical possibilities of universal properties smacks of the ancient flat-Earth theory.

It would seem that those who continue to abide by these conventional Newtonian paradigms place themselves in a rectangular box with impenetrable walls. The modern astronomer is learning more about the universe at this time in our existence than at any other.

We have witnessed the birth of a star system, found planets circling suns other than ours. We have discovered a preponderance of water not only in our solar system but in other sections of the visible universe.


If we are to come out of our box, we must look at the modern version of science. I am referring to such fields as nuclear physics, particle physics, quantum physics and theoretical physics.

Physics laboratories around the globe are experimenting with atomic particles that we have never before seen. One of these is called a tachyon particle, which seems to defy the laws of space-time.

New elements have been discovered pushing the atomic periodic table to elements 110 and 111. It has been postulated by some that when element 115 is reached, we may have an element with such a large nucleus that it will be a stable element. So far it would seem that the higher number we achieve, the more unstable the element and the half-life looks like a wisp in the wind.


If element 115 is stable, then it is predicted that its nucleus may generate a micro-gravity wave that would extend from the nucleus, and this gravity wave might then be harnessed to defeat gravity and become a fuel for propulsion of a spacecraft.

It is postulated that this type of propulsion would make faster-than-light travel possible by warping space-time.

It is also interesting to learn of a 17-year-old boy who received the Air Force’s highest science award in the 1960s. This young man had the audacity and guts to build and test a new and unusual rocket. The boy’s name was David Adair, and the engine he built was a nuclear-fusion electromagnetic containment engine. This rocket was tested successfully and had an eventful landing in that land beyond lands that doesn’t exist, the famous Area 51.


This vehicle had the capability of achieving light speed and, according to the builder, was capable of exceeding light speed with capabilities to propel an interstellar ship to the stars.

Where did David Adair, now head of Intersect Inc. in Atlanta, get the design for this engine?

As he tells it, directly from NASA. The organization evidently had 18 engine designs, and guess what? Only two were solid- or liquid-propelled rocket engines.

This was in the 1960s. I wonder what happened to the rest of those engine types in the past 30 years. I also wonder what type of engines have been and are being tested at the old Rocketdyne facility in the Santa Susana Mountains above Simi Valley.

One might ask if the massive class-action lawsuit against Rocketdyne, which alleges contamination of the nuclear type, has any relationship to the engines that were developed and continue to be developed today.

A quick drive up the mountain will prove interesting to the casual interested party, especially when confronted by the signs indicating the presence of the U.S. Department of Energy.


If we look at some of these modern concepts and then consider the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation, it doesn’t seem quite so impossible, even considering that linear light speed is still 186,000 miles per second.
