
Congressman Cites U.S. Vulnerability to Terrorist Missiles

Associated Press

A Republican congressman called on the Clinton administration Saturday to deploy a missile defense system that would shield the country from terrorist attacks.

“Today, the United States is vulnerable from missile attacks,” said Rep. Michael Pappas of New Jersey in the GOP’s weekly radio address.

“Most Americans think we have the capability to destroy an incoming missile. The truth is, we do not have a system fielded that can destroy an enemy’s missile before it reaches us,” Pappas added.


Pappas said the best possible missile defense system also should be in place to protect troops in the field from missile attacks, such as the Iraqi Scuds that claimed 28 lives during the Persian Gulf War.

Pappas, a member of the House National Security Committee, said, potentially, two dozen countries--including Iraq, Iran and North Korea--have missile technology capable of striking the United States.

In July, a congressionally mandated review concluded that U.S. cities are vulnerable to missile attack, contradicting CIA assessments that no imminent long-range missile threat exists.
