
Poll Positions on Impeachment

Some key numbers from polls released Thursday on President Clinton, Congress and the impeachment process:

1. Should the House Judiciary Committee vote for or against impeachment? For 34%, against 61%, no opinion 5%

--CNN/USA Today/Gallup

2. Should Congress impeach Clinton and remove him from office? Yes 28%, no 66%, not sure 4%


--NBC/Wall Street Journal

3. Should the House Judiciary Committee vote for or against censure? For 55%, against 38%, no opinion 7%

--CNN/USA Today/Gallup

4. Do you think that a congressional censure of Clinton for his actions in the Monica S. Lewinsky matter will or will not affect his legacy and place in history? Will affect legacy 66%, will not affect legacy 30%, not sure 4%

--NBC/Wall Street Journal


The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll of 2,106 adults was taken Dec. 3-6 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll of 568 adults was taken Dec. 9 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.


Source: Associated Press
