
‘A Choice Between the Scrooge Heart and the Open Heart’

Excerpts from sermons to be delivered around Orange County on Sunday:

CHRISTMAS PRESENT: “The future is created out of our present living. Every day we have a choice between the Scrooge heart and the open heart. As we make conscious choices for compassion, we form a future where unconditional love grows.”

--Rev. Margaret Mohit, speaking at 9:30 and 11 a.m. services Sunday at Unity Community Church, 22911 Mill Creek Road in Laguna Hills.


WORTHY OF TRUST: “Have you ever been hurt by someone? Perhaps that person did not come through for you and you wrote him or her off. Have you ever been hurt by God? He failed to meet your request in your required time. We have all been there before, but in those moments of emotional misery, we need to ponder the truth about the character of God, that faithful friend, that father in heaven who has proven Himself incredibly worthy of our trust.”


--Pastor Rick Rzeszewski, speaking at 8:45 a.m. services Sunday at Orange Coast Community Church, 250 S. Prospect St., Orange.


SEEING GOD: “We swim in a great sea of commercialism which threatens to overwhelm any sense of the presence of God. It is hard to see God amidst the glitter; it is so very hard to discern the Christ child amid the credit cards.”

--Rev. Edward C. Martin, speaking at 8:30 and 10:15 a.m. services Sunday at Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church, 26001 Muirlands Blvd., Mission Viejo.


The Message highlights excerpts from sermons to be delivered in Orange County in the coming week. Submissions should be delivered by noon each Thursday to Orange County religion editor Jack Robinson, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Fax: (714) 966-7711. E-mail:

Submissions must include name and title of the clergy member delivering the sermon, date and time of service, name and address of the church or synagogue, and a telephone number in case of questions.
