
Man Stabbed in Eye With Umbrella; Assailant Sought

In a case of what one official called “rain rage,” one man stabbed another in the eye with his umbrella near MacArthur Park after the two accidentally bumped into each other during Tuesday’s rainstorm, police said Wednesday.

The victim was listed in “extremely grave” condition.

Detectives investigating the incident said the victim, a man about 40 years old, did not have any identification. The suspect was described as a Latino man in his late 20s, about 5 foot 5, with short black hair. He was wearing a long-sleeved blue sweatshirt and blue jeans, and was carrying a black umbrella, according to witnesses.

It could not be determined whether the two men knew each other, police Det. John Freitas said Wednesday.


According to witnesses, the men were walking in opposite directions along a busy commercial section of Alvarado Street, across from MacArthur Park, about 11 a.m., when their umbrellas touched. The suspect became infuriated and stabbed the man in the face, police said.

Anyone with information is urged to call either Freitas or Det. Robert Bub at the Los Angeles Police Department’s Rampart Division.
