
All day: Family

A miniature model of the temples, shrines, monuments and other buildings of the Roman Forum that was part of the grandeur of the Roman Empire will be unveiled Sunday at the Carole & Barry Kaye Museum of Miniatures. There are 52 temples, including the Curia, where emperors and senators passed laws governing the lives of those throughout the Roman Empire. * Roman Forum, Carole & Barry Kaye Museum of Miniatures, 5900 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults, $7.50; seniors, $6.50; students, $5; children (3-12), $3. (213) 937-6464.

8:30 pm: Dance

One of the New York-based innovators who created postmodernism more than 30 years ago, Simone Forti has remained committed to choreographic experiment and personal exploration in works that combine spoken narrative with movement derived from the animal world and processes of nature. The result is often minimalist, but it can also be magical. Winner of a Bessie Award for sustained achievement, this contemporary pioneer brings her latest full-evening solo, “Logomotion,” to Santa Monica for a single performance and also teaches a workshop a week later.

* Simone Forti, Highways Performance Space, 1651 18th St., Santa Monica. $15. (213) 660-8587. Forti workshop: Feb. 22, 2-5 p.m., at Highways. $20. (310) 453-1755.


All day: Collectibles

The 10th Annual Los Angeles International Pen Show will feature exhibitors from throughout the world showing, selling, buying, repairing and talking about the writing instrument. On tap: 1880s Victorian dip pens, 1900s Art Nouveau “eyedropper” fountain pens, 1920s Art Deco styles in Crayola colors, World War II models and a multitude of others from the 1880s to the present. The show includes free appraisals and a free Yafa fountain pen for every student (all ages) attending the show.

* 10th Annual Los Angeles International Pen Show, Manhattan Beach Marriott Hotel, Rosecrans and Parkway, Manhattan Beach. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Adults, $5; children under 12, free. (310) 546-7511.

All day: Art

For the Hopi Indians, baskets are prized possessions used in both secular activities and religious ceremonies. “Designs for Sharing: A Century of Hopi Wicker Basketry,” opening this weekend at the Southwest Museum, includes more than 125 wicker pieces from Third Mesa in Arizona with animal, insect, lightning, cloud, kachina and geometric-pattern designs. A related exhibition, “Women in Hopi Culture: Photographs From the Collection of the Southwest Museum,” opens next weekend.


* “Designs for Sharing: A Century of Hopi Wicker Basketry,” Southwest Museum, 234 Museum Drive, Los Angeles. Tuesday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Exhibition dates: Saturday through April 11. Adults, $5; students and seniors, $3; children ages 6 and under, free. (213) 221-2164.

All day: Festival

A noonday parade of pipe bands and clansmen led by British Consul General Paul Dimond is the highlight of the second day of this year’s Queen Mary’s Scottish Festival. Visitors can watch bagpipe players compete aboard ship at 7 p.m. Actress June Lockhart will also be honored during the festivities that include pipe bands, dancing, food, ales and parades.

* Queen Mary’s Scottish Festival, 1126 Queens Highway, end of Long Beach Freeway, Long Beach. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. The festival is included in the general admission price: adults, $12; senior citizens 55 and older, $10; children 4-11, $7; under 4, free. (562) 435-3511).


9 pm: World Music

Get out your best Carmen Miranda costume for the House of Blues’ “Carnival ’98.” Christiane and the Girls From Ipanema headline this Brazilian-style bash that includes music by Kleber Jorge and his band, a drawing for a trip to Rio, costume contests, prizes and more.

* “Carnival ‘98,” House of Blues, 8430 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood. $15. (213) 848-5100.


FREEBIE: Sheila Copeland signs her novel “Chocolate Star” at Walden Bookstore, Baldwin Hills, 2 p.m. (213) 962-9659.
