
Volumes of Love


Valentine’s Day is a celebration devoted to sweet sentiments and sweet treats. And bookstores and public libraries countywide have been busy since the beginning of the month dispensing holiday-themed stories, plus cookies and candy.

Today and Saturday, which is Valentine’s Day, local kids from toddler age to 10 or so can get in on the final phase of the celebration. There will even be a chance to get a hug from the current poster boy for Valentine’s Day, Arthur the Aardvark.

But first, if you’re reading this at breakfast and are a parent looking for something that will grab the attention of your preschooler, zip out to the Ojai Library by 10:30 this morning. Kit Willis, the youth librarian there, will be reading from some valentine-themed books chosen from the “story box” she maintains.


Knowledgeable about the emotional life of her intended audience, her choice for today is not “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare but rather “I Love My Blanket” by Diane Goodrow.

Among the other books in the story box (also available for parents to check out at other library branches in the county) are titles such as “Bee My Valentine” by Miriam Cohen and “Little Mouse’s Big Valentine” by Thatcher Hurd.

Kids these days, at least the ones approaching 10 or so, seem to be simultaneously sentimental and clear-eyed about Valentine’s Day, according to Julie Albright, a children’s librarian with County Library Services. She cites the titles of such recent books as “Nate the Great & the Mushy Valentine” by Marjorie Sharmat and “Rotten Ralph’s Rotten Romance” by Jack Gantos.


Jody Fickes, owner of Adventures for Kids Bookstore in Ventura, is going to be reading from another quirky book during her Valentine’s Day story time this Saturday.

“It’s about a man who gets a box of valentine candy in the mail--without any card attached--which alters his personality,” she explains.

The book is “Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch,” by Ellen Spinelli, and the title refers to a remark made to the recipient by the mailman who delivers the package. Mr. Hatch begins to be nice to certain people, suspecting that they might be the ones who sent him the candy. Rather like the curmudgeon in the first “Home Alone” movie, Mr. Hatch becomes a more outgoing person, Fickes says.


The current champion among Valentine’s Day story characters is the animated TV character Arthur the Aardvark. “Arthur’s Valentine” by Marc Brown is being read at almost every library and bookstore story time in the county this year.

It will certainly be among the books read this Saturday at Borders Books in Thousand Oaks. Twice, actually--at 2 and 7 p.m. And each time Arthur “himself”--in the form of a costume character--will be on hand to bestow hugs on his little fans. There will also be snacks and a valentine-themed art project to beguile the kids.


Ojai Public Library--Valentine readings for kids, today at 10:30 a.m., 111 E. Ojai Ave. Free. (805) 646-1639.

Thousand Oaks--Borders Books, valentine stories, snacks and a hug from Arthur the Aardvark on Saturday at 2 and 7 p.m., 125 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Free. (805) 497-8159.

Ventura--Adventures for Kids Bookstore, valentine stories and stickers Saturday at 3 p.m., 347 Telegraph Road. Free. (805) 650-9688.

Ventura--Barnes & Noble bookstore, love songs (live musicians) Saturday at 4:30 p.m., 4360 E. Main St. Free. (805) 339-9170.
