
An Oak for an Oak? Studio City...

An Oak for an Oak? Studio City preservationist Ray Phillips has proposed that a healthy oak tree endangered by construction work at the Motion Picture Country Home and Hospital in Woodland Hills be moved to Encino as a monument to the 1,000-year-old Lang Oak, a recent storm casualty. Phillips says he has preliminary permission from the hospital to relocate the tree, should neighbors and officials agree. The Lang Oak’s hulking trunk, meanwhile, will be moved to a warehouse on Friday.

* RETURNING STAR: Jason Hartman, above left, twice The Times’ Ventura County player of the year, averages 20 points a game for Portland State, which visits Cal State Northridge. C8

* COLLEGE PREP: The eligibility process for aspiring college athletes can confound even experts on the subject. C10


* PRISON DRAMA: Rick Cluchey, above, was in prison in the mid-50s when a staging of “Waiting for Godot” inspired him to establish the San Quentin Drama Workshop. The respected company will stage “Beckett’s Women” at CSUN. Calendar Weekend, Page 46
