
If You Want to Play . . .

Here’s what prospective student-athletes must do in order to practice, compete and receive athletic scholarships as college freshmen:

* Register with the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse ($18 one-time fee).

* Graduate from high school.

* Have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in 13 core academic courses.

* Achieve a passing score on the ACT or SAT. The minimum test score needed is based on a sliding scale linking the prospective athlete’s GPA with the test score needed to be declared eligible. An athlete with a 2.000 GPA would need a minimum of 1,010 on the SAT or an 86 on the ACT. An athlete with a 2.500 GPA or higher needs a minimum 820 on the SAT or 68 on the ACT.*

Core Courses

* At least four years of English

* At least two years of math (including algebra and geometry)

* At least two years of social science

* At least two years of natural of physical science, including one lab course, if offered by any high school the athlete attended


* At least two years additional courses in English, math or natural or physical science

* Two additional academic courses in any of the above areas, or foreign language, computer science, philosophy or comparative religion

NOTE: A partial qualifier who has passed required core classes, graduated from high school and has a minimum 2.525 GPA and minimum test scores on the SAT of 810 or ACT of 67 may receive institutional aide, such as a scholarship, but is not eligible to play as a freshman and will have three remaining seasons left, unless obtaining a baccalaureate degree, whereby a fourth year of competition could be granted.

* For more information: Call 1-800-638-3731 for a free guide to NCAA rules.

* The highest scores on the verbal and mathematics section of the SAT or highest scores on the four individual tests of the ACT may be combined to achieve the highest scores.


