
Paris Updates Guide for Youths on Budget

The Office of Tourism in Paris has a new edition of “Youth in Paris,” a free 32-page booklet (in English and French) that covers where to stay, how to get around, what to see, night life and eating out. It lists emergency telephone numbers ranging from American and British hospitals and pharmacies that are open 24 hours to police and dentists.

“Youth in Paris” can be picked up at the Paris Tourist Information Office at 127 Ave. des Champs-Elysees, near the Etoile Metro stop. While at the tourist office, ask for information on sites you’re interested in seeing; a little research can really stretch your budget. For example, the Louvre Museum (which is closed on Tuesdays) reduces its $7.50 admission to $4.15 on Sundays and after 3 p.m. on other days. It also stays open late (until 9:45 p.m.) on Monday and Wednesday. Entrance to the Louvre is free on the first Sunday of each month.

If you are spending several days in the city, it is considerably cheaper to purchase 10 Metro tickets (un carnet) at once than to purchase them individually. If you need to, share a purchase of 10 with a friend.


Hungry? An economical option is to pack a picnic and head for one of the city’s lovely parks. Be careful about sitting at a sidewalk cafe without checking out the prices because everything served street-side or sitting down inside is more expensive than at the cafe’s bar. Many university cafeterias in the city will serve you an economical meal if you present a student identity card.

The French youth hostel association, Federation Unie des Auberges de Jeunesse (FUAJ), has introduced a site on the Internet with information on all its locations, maps, rates and fax and telephone numbers. You can find the site at

This year, Rail Europe has introduced a new pass for travel in France for travelers under 26. The France Youthpass, valid for discounted second class seats for any four days within two months, is $150. Additional days (up to six) can be purchased for $25 each. Details are available through travel agents.


Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer. She can be reached at
