
DUI Charges Filed Against Judge

Ventura County Superior Court Judge Robert Bradley, twice arrested on suspicion of drunken driving in recent weeks, will face two misdemeanor charges, the state attorney general’s office said Tuesday.

Bradley, 56, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence on Dec. 6 and again on Jan. 3.

The charges, filed Friday, allege Bradley’s blood-alcohol level was above .20% on both occasions. The legal limit is .08%.


Prosecution of the cases is being handled by the attorney general’s office to avoid a conflict of interest for the county district attorney.

Attorney general spokesman Bill Maile said Bradley’s case has been transferred to Santa Barbara County Municipal Court to avoid a similar conflict for Ventura County judges. A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday.

Bradley, a judge for 13 years, was up for reelection this year, but did not file nomination papers.
