
Police Chief Removed From City’s Payroll

The city has carried out its intention to fire Police Chief John T. Distelrath, removing him from the payroll based on the conclusions of an investigation into misconduct allegations, officials said Tuesday.

Distelrath, a 31-year law enforcement veteran, was informed last month that City Manager James Starbird had decided to dismiss him following the completion of an investigation by City Atty. Elizabeth Martyn into conflict-of-interest allegations against the chief.

The investigation began after allegations surfaced that Distelrath, who has held the post for four years, hired a business partner as a consultant for the police department. Distelrath has denied any wrongdoing, saying in a recent interview that “the truth will come out in court.”


Under state law, Distelrath will have an opportunity to fight the charges at a hearing in April. An arbitrator will examine the accusations against him and recommend a course of action to the city manager.
