
Transportation Zone to Be Topic of Meeting

The proposed San Fernando Valley Transportation Zone will be discussed today at a special meeting of the Sylmar Community Coordinating Council.

Chris Modrzejewski, Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon’s senior transportation deputy, will speak at the meeting.

In November, the City Council approved a motion by Alarcon instructing the Department of Transportation to study the feasibility of establishing the Valley Transportation Zone. To justify its existence financially, the new zone must be able to cut current costs of operating Valley buses by at least 25%.


The proposed zone would be virtually independent from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

For years, the MTA has been criticized by Valley transit advocates for poorly managing its huge budget and neglecting the Valley, home to 150,000 passengers who ride about 60 bus lines.

“The goal of the transportation zone is to provide the Valley with local control of its resources,” Modrzejewski said.


Officials still must decide which local government or governments will apply for the new zone, he said, adding that it would take six months to a year before the proposed zone reaches the application stage.

Today’s meeting will begin at noon at the Mandarin King restaurant, 17092 Devonshire St. in Northridge. Lunch is available for $6.50.
